Happy New Year

New year, new resolution to be more consistent with my blog posts lol.  The past month since I last posted has been filled with lots of holiday business and things that had to, unfortunately, take precedence over posting, but hopefully that should change now that things have quieted down!

All that being said, I’d love to show you guys the finished Harry Potter wand I talked about in my last post!  So, without further ado, here it is:


It was printed with wood PLA, sanded, and stained an english chestnut color.  It just goes to show you the amazing things you can make with 3d printing!  There was a chamber inside the wand to stuff some electronics that made the light at the tip turn on, so I think it turned out pretty well!  Credit to https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:1089917 for the stl!  While the rough look wasn’t intentional (eSun wood PLA is very poor quality, I would not recommend if you want a polished look), the rugged look worked fairly well in this case!  Stay tuned for the next big project soon.


John (aka The Mad Printer)

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